Welcome to My Brain

Hi, Welcome to Devon Deitsch's Brain.

I made this website to share my ideas and creations with the world. I originally wanted to make this into MonAlly.com for Pokemon and Monster Rancher fans. Then, I realized I am more than a Pokemon and Monster Rancher fan. I am a fan to many other shows and games as well. And I created this site. You may wander throughout the site and I hope you enjoy.

My Brain    My Creations    My Anime Corner    L.O.D.D.    Shrines I Have

Quotes I Made    Games    Tips and Tricks    MR and Pokemon    Suggestions

                Disclaimers    Special Thanks    Copyrights    Awards


My Brain | My Creations | Anime | L.O.D.D. | Shrines | Quotes | Games | Tips | MR/Pokemon |
Suggestions | Disclaimers | Thanks | Copyrights | Awards

Copyright © 2001, Devon Deitsch, DDBrain.com

DDBrain.com(TM) & L.O.D.D.(TM) are trademarks of Devon Deitsch.
All rights reserved.